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[HOW-TO] Migrate linux has never been so easy

Recently i had to migrate my servers from a Virtualbox instances to KVM and LXC containers. ( this guide is also valid for Desktop PC)

Before that i simply move the .vdi file from a machine to another, but .vdi are not compatible with KVM/LXC formats. Moreover converting .vdi to .raw (compatible format for kvm/lxc) is not a good practice since your system will be probably broken.

But, i'm an extremely lazy how can i migrate a server without a long manual process of reinstalling , reconfiguring and moving file?

After some researches i've found this wonderful guide:

I want to summarize and improve it for you (the process will take 5-10 human minutes + the variable upload time):

NOTE: you must be logged as root user before execute following commands.


First of all, you need to have both machines powered up.
Assure that you have same linux os version on both machines, if not do the upgrade.



apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade
 on both machines

Step 3:

Rsync is able to syncronize the entire system even if it's in running. You just have to exclude some folder that are machine related.

rsync -auHxv --numeric-ids --exclude=/etc/fstab --exclude=/etc/network/* --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/dev/* --exclude=/mnt/* --exclude=/boot/* --exclude=/root/* root@SRC-IP:/* /
on destination machine (replace SRC-IP with the ip of the source machine)

Step 4:
This step is needed since rsync is not able to overwrite following files.

rsync -auHxv --numeric-ids root@SRC-IP:/etc/passwd /tmp/ 
rsync -auHxv --numeric-ids root@SRC-IP:/etc/shadow /tmp/ 
rsync -auHxv --numeric-ids root@SRC-IP:/etc/gshadow /tmp/
        rsync -auHxv --numeric-ids root@SRC-IP:/etc/group /tmp/

        mv /tmp/passwd /etc/
        mv /tmp/shadow /etc/
mv /tmp/gshadow /etc/
mv /tmp/group /etc/

After that, reboot your destination machine and change your IP/Domain destination.
Reconfigure the /etc/network/interface if you are moving a failover IP.

I hope it can help someone!
At least for me, it has been as faster as move a .vdi and reconfiguring the virtualbox instance! 

Please leave a comment about your experience


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